Heading "Houses and apartments"
What ventilation system to choose for a private house
What ventilation system to choose for a private house
A ventilation system is a necessary attribute of a private house. After all, the microclimate in the house depends on its quality - so that it is warm and dry. It is for this that you should familiarize yourself with all types of ventilation, their advantages ...
The need for ventilation in a private house and its types
The need for ventilation in a private house and its types
The environmental situation in cities is deteriorating every day. It became a natural desire among residents of cities to move out of town. But, having built a tightly clogged cottage, they create a poisonous atmosphere in their own home. From stagnation of air is growing ...
What is a private house ventilation system
What is a private house ventilation system
The supply ventilation system of a private house filters the supplied air. For work, a conventional duct system and a supply unit are used.
Doing natural ventilation in a country house with our own hands
Doing natural ventilation in a country house with our own hands
In order for the ventilation of the country house to work properly, you need to consider the material from which the house is built. With your own hands, you can always adjust the parameters of the ventilation system.
The ventilation in the apartment does not work: where to go, check and principle of operation
The ventilation in the apartment does not work: where to go, check and principle of operation
If the apartment does not have ventilation, you need to contact the management company to which the house belongs. Notify company employees and leave a request or complaint.
Humidification in the apartment: aquarium, plants, fountain, cleaning, drying clothes
Humidification in the apartment: aquarium, plants, fountain, cleaning, drying clothes
There are some simple ways to humidify the air in the apartment without a humidifier. Among them: the installation of an aquarium, plants, fountain, wet cleaning, drying clothes.
How to make a hood in a private house with your own hands
How to make a hood in a private house with your own hands
A hood in a private house is organized so that air must be taken in from the outside, passed through the rooms and displayed in the kitchen. In this case, the amount of heat should be balanced.
How to make ventilation in a private house
How to make ventilation in a private house
The ventilation scheme in a private house depends on several parameters. This includes appearance, requirements and design. Consider the indicators for optimal selection.
We make the ventilation system in the apartment with our own hands: device, modernization
We make the ventilation system in the apartment with our own hands: device, modernization
Permanent moisture in the room is an excellent environment for the development of fungus. In order to avoid its appearance, additional ventilation is created in the apartment with your own hands.
How to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet: device, connection, check
How to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet: device, connection, check
Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is a must. During the construction of houses, ventilation shafts go to these rooms.
Important information about the different types of ventilation of wooden, panel and frame houses
Important information about the different types of ventilation of wooden, panel and frame houses
We study the features and methods for improving the ventilation systems of panel, brick, aerated concrete, wooden and passive houses, buildings from sip panels.

How to make a ventilation system in a private house with your own hands

The ventilation system in a private house creates a favorable atmosphere for residents and ensures the safety of the entire structure. Therefore, the ventilation device of a private house must be given maximum attention.

Wooden house ventilation system

Wooden houses built according to old technologies are perfectly ventilated through the cracked gaps between the logs, window openings and door frames. The exhaust pipe here is a chimney. The greater the difference in temperature on the street and inside, the more efficient the ventilation scheme of the house works.

However, if the house was created using the latest technologies, there is practically no natural air exchange in it.Energy-saving techniques do not facilitate the flow of air from outside.

However, when building a wooden house, it is recommended to organize just the natural ventilation scheme of the house.

If you provide a ventilation system for a private house during the design process, ventilation ducts can be hidden inside the walls. The main exhaust channel with this scheme should be displayed as high as possible above the roof level. The greater the elevation difference, the stronger the thrust.

The cross section of all channels should be the same, and the walls should be smooth. So there is no place to linger dust and provides equal traction.

Frame house ventilation system

Ventilation in frame and wooden houses is very different. The technology of building a frame house ensures its complete isolation from the outside. That is, not a gram of air can get into the house.

It will not be possible to arrange ventilation of a private house in a natural way, since the method is good for large elevations. Therefore, forced ventilation is installed.

Before you make ventilation in the house with your own hands, you need to calculate the intensity of the air flow. Depending on it, equipment is purchased. The supply and exhaust ventilation systems of frame and wooden houses are quite complex. Therefore, their installation is usually done by professionals.

But we will give simple advice on how to make ventilation in the house with our own hands. The air supply is provided by valves that are mounted directly to the walls. The number of valves depends on the area of ​​each room. Outflow is made by a system of fans. From bedrooms, cabinets and living rooms, air should be drawn into corridors, kitchens, toilets and walk-in closets. And from here already through the attic to the street. Plastic ducts are used, and fans can be taken the simplest, sold in plumbing stores.


