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Heading "Houses and apartments"

Supply and exhaust ventilation: operating principle, device, calculation of system power
We study the principle of supply and exhaust ventilation of an apartment, types and characteristics of equipment, do-it-yourself installation methods.

Overview of exhaust and supply ventilation systems of a private house, do-it-yourself installation and installation
We study the principle of ventilation, talk about how to independently equip the ventilation of a house, basement, sewer, basement

The subtleties of different types of ventilation devices in houses, apartments and premises
We study the ventilation of residential houses and buildings: Khrushchev and panel houses, mechanisms of natural and forced systems, ways to improve traction and exhaust.

The device, the rules of operation and cleaning of ventilation shafts of residential buildings: types of passage units
We study the structure of ventilation shafts: requirements, types of ventilation systems, access points, operation and cleaning of the mines of private houses and multi-storey buildings.

Installation of exhaust and forced ventilation in an apartment, private house or industrial premises
Tips for installing ventilation: choosing a system, calculating power, types and procedures for installation, self-installation of valves and fans.

Tips of professionals on creating schemes of supply and exhaust ventilation of houses and apartments
We study and analyze ventilation schemes: supply valves and mechanisms, an exhaust fan, principles of operation and equipment of similar systems.

Secrets of arranging ventilation with access to the street in the wall of a private house or apartment
Ventilation with access to the street: mechanical and natural circuits, installation of a supply valve, as well as exhaust and supply devices.

Design of ventilation systems for private houses, apartments and premises for various purposes
Design of ventilation systems: terms of reference, calculation of schemes, preparation, distribution and parameters of air, wiring diagrams, final stages and deadlines.

How to make forced ventilation in the house and apartment with your own hands, spending a minimum of money
We make a forced ventilation system with our own hands: the choice of the air distribution scheme, the calculation of the multiplicity and area, the selection of equipment and balance.

Ventilation device and shafts in multi-storey apartment buildings
We study the ventilation of an apartment building: the principles of air discharge, cleaning the supply and exhaust ventilation of apartments, ventilation of the basement and basement.

Dismantling, restoration and modern design of ventilation ducts in the kitchen
We study the issue of changing the ventilation duct in the kitchen: how dangerous and advisable it is, how to restore, dismantle and decorate the channels.