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Heading "Houses and apartments"

Do-it-yourself natural ventilation of houses and apartments: diagrams, device, calculation
Do-it-yourself natural ventilation of houses and apartments: operating principle, types of systems, circuits, air exchange rates, calculation of air ducts, problem solving.

Do I need ventilation in a private house: schemes, pipes
We study the ventilation system of the sewage system at home: siphon, fan pipe, vacuum valves, materials, installation and wiring. We consider typical schemes.

All about industrial and domestic ventilation and smoke ducts: types, materials, masonry, norms and rules of the device
We study ventilation smoke ducts: the principle of natural draft, design, system testing, requirements and operation in different buildings and structures.

Ventilation requirements with gas stoves and boilers: circuits, SNIPs, installation
We study the issue of ventilation of rooms with gas stoves, boilers and columns in private houses: the device and principles of systems, installation and ventilation requirements.

Creating a project for the ventilation system of a private house, apartment or kitchen with your own hands
We do the design of the ventilation system with our own hands: we choose the type of ventilation, we analyze the design stages, calculation and automation of the final system.

All the secrets of repair and maintenance of ventilation systems of houses and apartments
We do repair and maintenance of ventilation with our own hands: repair stages, system diagnostics, repair and maintenance costs.

Requirements and norms of ventilation in a gas boiler house of a private house
Wondered about the ventilation of the gas boiler in the house? Let's talk about the requirements, standards, natural and artificial ventilation systems.

How to do the ventilation of the kitchen in the apartment with your own hands
We do the ventilation in the kitchen of the apartment with our own hands: the subtleties of work, checking the system, we ensure the inflow and outflow of air in the apartment.

How to make a ventilation system for a frame house yourself
We make ventilation in the frame house with our own hands: we consider schemes of natural, forced and combined air ventilation systems.

How to make a ventilation system in the cottage with your own hands: projects, installations, basement floors
We make ventilation in the cottage with our own hands. We analyze the natural, supply and exhaust and combined ventilation schemes in the cottage and in the interior.

How to make ventilation in a wooden house: the right exhaust device
We deal with the ventilation device in a wooden house: supply, natural and forced exhaust systems. And also check the mounted system.