Heading "Houses and apartments"
Systems and schemes of ventilation in a panel house
Systems and schemes of ventilation in a panel house
We study the ventilation device in a panel house: types of ventilation systems, outflow and air flow, features of various schemes.
Kitchen ventilation in a private house
Kitchen ventilation in a private house
We will tell you how to make ventilation in the kitchen in a private house with your own hands: forced and natural ventilation schemes, supply and exhaust systems.
Ventilation of a bathroom and toilet in a private wooden house
Ventilation of a bathroom and toilet in a private wooden house
We install ventilation in the bathroom of a private house: we study the probability of deformation of ventilation ducts, safety measures during installation, we select fans.
DIY ventilation systems of a frame house, video
DIY ventilation systems of a frame house, video
We learn how to make ventilation in the frame house with our own hands: we consider the schemes of air inflow and outflow, we look at photos and videos.
Ventilation scheme in a private brick house
Ventilation scheme in a private brick house
We study ventilation in brick houses: exhaust and supply ventilation systems, installation diagrams, a device for the competent influx of clean air.
Systems of forced ventilation with heating of air: valves, fans
Systems of forced ventilation with heating of air: valves, fans
We consider systems of forced ventilation with air heating: the differences between ventilation in the house and apartment, the principle of operation, tips, instructions.
Basement ventilation scheme in a private or country house do-it-yourself
Basement ventilation scheme in a private or country house do-it-yourself
We study ventilation in a private house: we consider air flow patterns, do the ventilation of the basement and the cellar with our own hands.
Ventilation of the foundation of a private wooden house: hole patterns and photo formwork
Ventilation of the foundation of a private wooden house: hole patterns and photo formwork
We consider the ventilation of the foundation and sewerage of a private house: we study the dependence of ventilation on building materials and its necessity.
Exhaust ventilation system in the kitchen, gas stove ventilation: installation, requirements, calculation
Exhaust ventilation system in the kitchen, gas stove ventilation: installation, requirements, calculation
We study the ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove: we solve the problems of poor extraction, we understand the system of inflow and outflow of air in the kitchen in the apartment.
Do-it-yourself ventilation system for an apartment do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself ventilation system for an apartment do-it-yourself
We make the supply and exhaust ventilation system for the apartment with our own hands: we install a through exhaust pipe with a fan and a check valve.
Ventilation of a separate bathroom with bathtub and toilet
Ventilation of a separate bathroom with bathtub and toilet
We study the ventilation of the bathroom in the apartment: a standard toilet and bath ventilation system, the creation of forced ventilation in the bathroom with a fan.


