With their almost weightless ease, ventilation plastic pipes do not cease to amaze modern homeowners. At the same time, some skeptics still have doubts: can plastic really compare in strength with metal? We will not speak for the widest range of applications of plastic, but in the manufacture of ventilation systems from plastic pipes, light and strong plastic products will not be inferior to heavy and bulky metal ducts, and in some ways even give them a head start.
Plastic household ventilation
In the conditions of our present reality, ventilation in a private house from plastic pipes becomes much more profitable than the use of tin and aluminum ducts. Plastic ventilation pipes, both round and rectangular, pleasantly differ in their aesthetically impeccable appearance. The buyer can choose products of that color that will be in harmony with the interior gamut in his home. The cost of plastic ducts is significantly less than their metal counterparts, and installing ventilation from plastic pipes with your own hands is extremely simple and affordable even for a layman.
In recent years, plastic pipes for ventilation have managed to become leaders in terms of production and sales. This indicates that many buyers managed to evaluate the reliability of plastic pipes for ventilation and the convenience of using them. We, as consumers, are offered not only plastic ventilation pipes for hoods, but in addition to them a complete set of adapters, couplings, plugs, grilles and other components of the ventilation system in a private house made of plastic pipes. Shaped elements of the appropriate configuration allow, if necessary, to make articulation of round ducts with rectangular ducts.
By the type of material from which they are made, plastic ventilation pipes are of various types, slightly differing in individual properties:
- polyethylene - known for their flexibility and wear resistance;
- polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - having a high fire resistance threshold and insensitive to UV radiation;
- polypropylene - characterized by exceptional strength and chemical inertness to aggressive substances.
Plastic ducts for ventilation
Traditionally, galvanized sheet was used as material for constructing ventilation ducts in private houses; aluminum was also used. But since the lighter and less expensive plastic ventilation pipes appeared on the market, engineers and homeowners' preferences have been unconditionally given to them.
You can also appreciate a number of advantages that, due to their physical nature, have plastic pipes in contrast to their metal competitors:
- Resistance to corrosion. The main difference between plastic and iron is the absence of rust, so a plastic ventilation pipe for hoods will be indispensable in conditions where dampness is constantly observed;
- Smooth inner surface. The production technology provides the plastic pipes for ventilation systems with perfect smoothness.This indicator is especially important because the slightest roughness of the internal surfaces prevents the free movement of air through the pipes;
- Light weight. To bring the whole set of plastic pipes and fittings from the store, you do not have to hire a multi-ton truck. And no matter what the size of the plastic pipes, they can very easily be lifted and rotated during installation of the ventilation system;
- Easy installation and maintenance. Mounting parts and assemblies of plastic ducts is much easier than messing with heavy metal boxes. Periodically checking and cleaning ventilation ducts will also not be difficult for you;
- Comparative cheapness. The cost of inexpensive plastic compared to metal successfully solves your problem, how to make ventilation from plastic pipes cheaper.
Plastic pipes are unable to withstand temperatures above 80–90 degrees, so it is undesirable to use them for ventilation of rooms such as a sauna, a bakery, a boiler room, etc.
Shape and dimensions of plastic ducts

In private homes, ventilation is made of plastic pipes round in cross-section or rectangular. There is also an intermediate between them version of ducts with an oval cross-section. Round air ducts can be not only rigid and smooth, but also corrugated; their flexibility allows you to mount ventilation ducts of complex configuration. The choice of the shape of the duct is determined in accordance with the peculiarities of its location, but the design project is also of considerable importance.
Manufacturers produce ventilation pipes, the dimensions of which are made standard. Unification of the size of the pipes is necessary in order to make it convenient to select the appropriate fittings for them. For laying air ducts in an ordinary cottage, it is enough to use ventilation plastic pipes in the following sizes:
The maximum length of the plastic ventilation pipes supplied for sale reaches 2.5 meters, which allows them to be mounted without unnecessary use of joints.
When making a plan on how to make ventilation out of plastic pipes, do not forget that rectangular plastic ventilation pipes create a slightly greater resistance to air flow than round ducts.
How to plan plastic ventilation in a house
If you decide to build ventilation from plastic pipes at home, do it responsibly. Before you get down to business, entrust the design of all the proposed hood components to an experienced person. Only a master with experience and qualifications will be able to most accurately calculate the system performance and make an estimate.
Together with the designer, discuss a number of important points:
- exhaust air exhaust from various purpose premises (kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms) should occur through separate air ducts;
- to remove accumulated condensate from the exhaust ducts, special openings must be equipped in them even though the plastic pipes used for ventilation are not afraid of moisture;
- if it is not possible to avoid laying long horizontal sections of air ducts, then it will be necessary to equip them with fans for forced drawing;
- so that the fan does not chase air from one room to another, check valves should be installed in certain places of the ventilation system from plastic pipes.
When constructing ventilation from plastic pipes, you will certainly have to use couplings, turns, tees and other details to connect them.
But at the same time, count so that each plastic ventilation pipe runs as smoothly as possible, without unnecessary turns. In the duct system, too many joints should not be encountered, try to use whole pipes to the maximum. You will have two reasons to strive for the optimal configuration of ventilation ducts:
- Each of the joints and sharp turns of the plastic pipe for ventilation reduces the speed of the air flow and increases the noise.
- Additional costs for numerous fittings lead to higher prices for the entire system.
After drawing up the project, choose the size and shape of the plastic pipes for room ventilation. If the project provides an option for open laying of air ducts in the room, then you will have to select them in accordance with the color of the interior. But usually homeowners try to hide any ventilation pipe, even plastic, under the ceiling or decorative casing.
Another thing is a plastic ventilation pipe designed for hoods. It often uses open air ducts, and so that they do not violate the harmony of design, pipes for ventilation of the kitchen, if desired, can be painted in the selected color. In the kitchen room, ventilation from plastic pipes is especially relevant, and making it with your own hands is not only easy, but also prestigious.
Since plastic tends to accumulate static electricity, dust and grease droplets flying from the stove stick to it. Therefore, when installing plastic pipes for ventilation of the kitchen, it is desirable to treat them from the inside with an antistatic composition.
Technological aspects of the plastic ventilation device
At first glance, the question of how to make ventilation from plastic pipes yourself can seem complicated. In reality, it is not difficult to cope with such work. It is only necessary to familiarize yourself with some recommendations and observe them during installation work.
- You can cut plastic pipes into pieces of the right size right at the place where you will mount them;
- There are two ways to connect plastic pipes: one-piece (using welding) and one-piece (using fittings and flanges);
- For the construction of air ducts, it is preferable to use detachable joints to facilitate the possibility of their repair if necessary;
- Connect the air duct elements and their mutual fastening with the help of the fasteners supplied with them and silicone sealant;
- Assemble complex system components in a convenient place to work on the floor, and then lift to the installation site;
- Fix the air ducts to the ceiling with special clamps. For lightweight plastic pipes, one fastener over the entire solid section is sufficient. Heavier and larger plastic rectangular ventilation pipes will have to be fixed every half meter.
A video lesson will help you understand the specifics of self-assembly of a kitchen duct.
In conclusion, we advise you to note an important sign that will help you recognize whether you managed to mount the ventilation from plastic pipes correctly. Notice if the windows in your house sweat in cold weather. If the ventilation constructed by your hands provides good air exchange - there will be no fogging of the windows. Otherwise, it may have been a mistake while designing the system.
May windows never sweat in your house, and all households will be provided with fresh air all year round!