Heading "Non-residential premises"
Choosing a ventilation system for the garage
Choosing a ventilation system for the garage
In order for the car to be in good condition, it is necessary to ensure not only proper operation, but also its appropriate storage. This is especially true in climatic zones of high humidity and zones of subzero temperatures in winter ....
Arrangement of ventilation in the bath
Arrangement of ventilation in the bath
What should be the ventilation in the bath and is it needed there at all? This question is asked by anyone who has taken up the construction of their own steam room. I must say right away - ventilation is necessary, and not only in ...
How to make basement ventilation in a private house
How to make basement ventilation in a private house
When drawing up a project, the ventilation of the basement of a private house is also calculated at the same time. The purpose of the basement should be taken into account: a gym or a storage place for winter seams, vegetables and other products. Whatever the purpose of use, basement ventilation ...
Do-it-yourself attic ventilation
Do-it-yourself attic ventilation
Many people in the attic of their home store unused items. And so that the mold does not damage them, does not render them unusable, it will be necessary to equip its ventilation. This rather simple procedure can be performed by ...
What is local ventilation and where is it needed
What is local ventilation and where is it needed
Local ventilation is a system in which air is supplied to a specific area or polluted air is drawn out from the place of formation of harmful emissions.
We do a hood for the garage with our own hands
We do a hood for the garage with our own hands
A hood in the garage is easy to do with your own hands if you choose the right size for the future ventilation system. The volume of air entering the garage should be 180 liters per hour.
How to make a ventilation system in a greenhouse
How to make a ventilation system in a greenhouse
Polycarbonate greenhouse ventilation is easy to do. You just need to decide what is best for your greenhouse: window, fans, hydraulics.
Hood in a hookah: characteristics, errors and installation tips of the system
Hood in a hookah: characteristics, errors and installation tips of the system
The supply and exhaust ventilation of the hookah room is the use of a grid system. The point is to precisely mark, and then install the intake grilles.
Calculation of the main parameters of smoke control ventilation systems and their design
Calculation of the main parameters of smoke control ventilation systems and their design
Smoke ventilation systems are needed to remove combustion products during a fire. It is necessary to equip industrial and civil facilities with such systems.
Aspiration ventilation systems for woodworking: classification, principle of operation and types
Aspiration ventilation systems for woodworking: classification, principle of operation and types
Woodworking suction systems suck in wood dust and sawdust and move them into silos. Aspiration units can be direct-flow or recirculation.
Calculation and emergency ventilation device
Calculation and emergency ventilation device
Emergency ventilation - the combined design of devices and elements representing a general forced exhaust system for the period of emergency situations.

Room ventilation

Ventilation in any type of room should provide air exchange. The intensity of air exchange is the main difference between the ventilation systems of rooms for various purposes.

Industrial ventilation

The following types of ventilation are used in industrial premises:

  • natural
  • artificial mechanical.

Most often resort to a combination of these two types of ventilation in industrial premises. Organized natural ventilation is carried out through aeration lamps, ventilation shafts or ventilation ducts, special windows. But this type of air exchange is very dependent on the weather outside.

The air inflow into the production facilities is carried out through the air vents at a height of 30 cm to 1.8 m from the floor level, and in winter at a level of 4 meters and above. The area of ​​the window leaves should be 1/5 of the glazing area or more.

Mechanical ventilation of industrial premises can be supply, exhaust or supply and exhaust. It can be local (air showers, curtains or oases) or general exchange.

Local ventilation is used in hot shops, production with high heat radiation.

Ventilation of residential and office premises

In residential premises, ventilation can be natural, combined or artificial. It is important to observe the norms of air exchange indicated in SNiP 2.04.05-91 for ventilation of residential premises which state:

  • For every 1 square. square meter of housing must be supplied in 3 cubic meters. meters of air per hour.
  • For 1 person in the apartment, it is necessary to submit 30 cubic meters. meters of air hourly.

Air is supplied through rest areas (living room, bedroom), and outflow through workrooms (kitchen, toilet, bathroom, dressing room).

Most residential buildings are initially equipped with a natural ventilation system, which is not effective in the warm season and works intermittently in the cold. Therefore, tenants solve problems with the ventilation of residential premises, most often installing forced outflow of air.

Unlike residential premises, in offices most often installed mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation. The inability to open the window on the facade of the continuous glazing makes the air exchange in the rooms fully automated.

Cleanroom ventilation

Cleanroom ventilation solves the following problems:

  • Maintaining the amount of dust particles in the air. The norm is determined by the class of cleanliness of the room.
  • Retention of temperature, humidity and air mobility in a given framework.
  • Maintaining the pressure difference in adjacent rooms. It is necessary so that dust does not penetrate into the room with a high class of cleanliness from the next room. The air inflow is somewhat more intensive than the outflow; increased air pressure is created.
  • Providing fresh air.

The air is cleaned by four absolute filters. There is no air turbulence due to laminar flow. Room ventilation and air conditioning are provided by a central air conditioner.


