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How to do the ventilation in the bath yourself: the location of the furnace
Ventilation in the bath is easy to do with your own hands if you know its device and the scheme of the steam room. The position of the furnace depends on the installation of gaps, supply valves, vents, etc.

What is aspiration of ventilation systems
The industrial air aspiration system removes a dry suspension of the smallest particulate matter along with polluted air. This approach is most effective and economical.

DIY automatic greenhouse ventilation system
An automatic ventilator for a greenhouse is easy to make with your own hands. We make systems of several tanks and a pneumatic version of the ventilator.

How to make ventilation in the cellar
Ventilation in the cellar consists of a pair of ducts in different corners of the room. Air begins to circulate if one is installed on the floor and the other on the ceiling 50 cm from the floor.

Calculation and the device for drawing hoods in the garage with your own hands
Simple ventilation for a garage where vehicles are painted is not suitable. She simply will not be able to cope with the task that she is posed.

How to make ventilation in the basement of the garage
During construction, it is necessary to provide ventilation of the basement in the garage, otherwise moisture will condense. Humidity is the cause of mold, rot and odor.

How to make a hood in a steam room bathhouse do it yourself
The hood in the bath and steam room can do with dampers and grilles to adjust the air flow. However, the use of devices is not as difficult and costly as it seems.

How to make a hood in the basement and cellar of the garage
A hood in the cellar of the garage is necessary and this is obvious. Condensation due to temperature differences during the cold season harms the storage of vegetables and other supplies.

Exhaust pipe for a geyser: installation and manufacturing features
The main condition for the good functioning of the gas column is the natural draft generated in the ventilation pipe. Therefore, it is often necessary to install an additional hood.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the garage: schemes and arrangement of natural and forced systems
Properly made ventilation for the garage will save you from the hassle of using personal vehicles and will help to maintain its beautiful appearance for a long time.

How to calculate the supply and exhaust ventilation system of a production room
Industrial emissions must be captured at close range from the source. It is not difficult to carry out the calculation if you know the formula and initial data.