A city or autonomous water supply system cannot be ideal without the installation of additional elements in the form of filters. Full purification of water from iron and manganese occurs only when using special equipment. Even if the fluid is obtained from a well near the house, the metal content is still elevated in it. Iron removal filters are the only solution that can improve the quality of the drinking resource.
Purpose and use of cleaners

Elevated iron in water leads to its concentration in the human body. This can be suspected by symptoms such as a rash, itching of the skin. The kidneys and liver also begin to suffer. From the high iron content in household appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers, scale and corrosion quickly form.
Iron remover - a filter that can remove metal molecules before they penetrate devices or the cooking process. Household filters are efficient, relatively inexpensive and easier to maintain than professional installations. However, they are in no way inferior to industrial solutions. You can apply them both in apartments and in private houses.
The principle of operation is even similar for different species: first, the water entering the filter is oxidized, as a result of which the iron takes on an insoluble form, then the metal is retained mechanically. This process can be performed in 2 ways - with and without reagents. According to this principle, deferrization filters are divided into 2 types.
As reagents for the removal of metals are used: ozone, chlorine, manganese. Reagent-free equipment uses oxygen. Molecules saturate water, acting on ferrous iron, as a result of which it is converted into an insoluble form.
Features of different types of cleaners
Reagent-free filters are divided into 2 types: filling with aluminosilicate sorbent or resin and aeration. In apartments, often install main water filters, in which there is a cartridge for chemical and mechanical filtration. These devices differ in size and performance. The homeowner independently chooses the type of equipment, monitors its serviceability and changes cartridges.
Multistage filters are the most effective technique for cleaning liquids from iron:
- removal of up to 99% of impurities when passing through different stages of purification;
- complex fight against extraneous molecules;
- separate cartridge for different types of cleansing;
- long operation of one replaceable filter;
- high performance.
The only disadvantage of this installation is the complexity of installation and large dimensions. Not every apartment has a place to integrate such equipment.
Multi-stage trunk filters are the most efficient and expensive solution. However, in the absence of space or other factors, more compact options can be shaved.
Pitchers and nozzles for crane
An expensive step-by-step installation can be replaced by a filter-nozzle with an ion-exchange resin. These accessories are designed for one purpose - the removal of all metals from water. As the active components are used up, they can be replaced. The advantages of nozzles include:
- low cost;
- small size - nozzles rarely exceed 10 cm in diameter;
- ease of installation and use;
- replacement without the involvement of specialists - following the instructions will help to avoid mistakes.
It is best to use such elements in apartments with a low and medium metal content in water. For iron removal of water in the cottage it is better to install a large filter.
Filter jugs are used for the purification of water, in which a high content of metals is found. However, it is impossible to consider them a complete system for removing iron from a liquid. It is also important to consider the type of cartridge installed in the jug. The user must remember that such accessories are designed primarily for mechanical filtration.
Equipment Selection Criteria
When purchasing a deferrizer, the following parameters must be considered:
- degree of water pollution - the higher the metal content, the more powerful the installation is needed, nozzles on taps are unable to clean a liquid in which iron is hundreds of times more than normal;
- equipment performance - for a large house or a family of 10 people require more powerful filters;
- dimensions - one of the main parameters, because far from every apartment you can put a powerful household cleaning system;
- the possibility of self-replacement of sorbents and cartridges.
Many companies that install large household filters give advice and help you choose the best solution.
Features of the installation of equipment
Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to study the instructions, read the manufacturer's recommendations. Then they get the elements of the system. It is necessary to check the case and make sure that filter cartridges are missing.
The installation must be carried out using a plumb line - the base of the device should stand exactly in the selected place. Previously, an even sheet of material is laid on the floor at the installation site. Next, perform the following steps:
- Install the basic elements of equipment, check the control unit. There should be free access to the control unit.
- Following the instructions, install the distributor mechanism, connect the pipe. It should be just above the end of the case.
- Put a protective cap on the pipe to prevent the penetration of reagents.
- A quarter fill the filter with water. Then, using the funnel, make materials from the kit. The filter medium should occupy no more than half of the housing.
- Remove the protective cover, process the upper section of the pipe with silicone grease. Put a valve on the distribution hose and wrap it.
This circuit is used to install a large deferrizing filter. However, the steps may vary depending on the type of equipment.
Features of using deferrization filters
In order for the cleaner to last for a long time and not break, it does not require complicated maintenance. However, special attention must be paid to the quality of replaceable cartridges. They need to be constantly monitored. Pay attention to the instructions for the equipment and recommendations for replacing the filter elements. Typically, replacement periods range from 6 to 24 months.
It is important to remember: the deferrization set should not freeze, therefore, it is installed in a room where the temperature does not fall below + 1-5 degrees of heat. For high-quality work of the deferrizer, the pressure in the water supply system must be at least 3 atmospheres.