Installing an adapter on a well helps prevent freezing of an autonomous water supply without a caisson. One small device solves several problems at once - it saves the budget and time of the master when arranging communication.
Purpose and scope
A downhole adapter is a small device that allows you to connect the output of the well (the upper part of the casing) with the pipeline in the ground below the level of its freezing. The main purpose of the device is the junction of a deep-well submersible pump in the underground highway leading to the house.
Structurally, the part has two component parts interconnected by means of a thread. Tight rubber gaskets provide tightness here. One part of the adapter is located inside the casing, the second is inserted into the formed technical hole of the casing. The intake and water supply pipes are connected to the ends of the part.
Installing a downhole adapter allows you to reduce the cost of installing a winter water supply system by 5 times. At the same time, mounting the part does not cause difficulties.
Device views
Adapters are classified by material of manufacture. The following options are presented on the market:
- Bronze. The most expensive kind of detail. Serves up to 25 years. Its use in some European countries is prohibited due to the excessively high concentration of lead in the alloy.
- Brass. The service life is up to 10 years. The brass adapter releases copper and zinc compounds into the well water. Therefore, it is desirable to install special filters.
- Stainless steel. The most durable devices. Serve up to 40 years. Not subject to corrosion. Withstand a lot of weight.
- DZR. Under this abbreviation are various alloys based on brass. These adapters are classified as low-performance.
- Bronze
- Brass
- Steel
Additionally, adapters are classified by size. The most popular sections of the connecting pipe are 1 and 1¼ inches. The first option fits perfectly with the 32 mm pipe. If necessary, you can buy a large part.
Advantages and disadvantages of the adapter
Masters using an adapter when installing a borehole water pipe distinguish such advantages of the solution and the technical characteristics of the device:
- the favorable cost of the part, which reduces the total amount of expenses - the installation of a full-fledged caisson of costs is many times more;
- absence of problems with freezing of the source in its upper part - all elements of the highway are located below the level of freezing of the soil;
- the adapter is compact, which allows you not to violate the landscape design of the site, you only have to decorate the head cover;
- the ability to mount the pipeline without problems even with a high level of groundwater - complete tightness of the system;
- free preservation of the system for the winter by disconnecting the connection of two elements.
Of the minuses of the downhole adapter emit:
- periodic wear of rubber gaskets requiring replacement;
- depressurization of the entry point of the front of the adapter into the casing under the influence of soils;
- heavy weight of the pump, cable and intake pipe, which the adapter has to withstand.
When installing the adapter, it is impossible to remove alternative water supply hoses from the well. Or it is necessary to provide them even at the stage of wiring the highway.
Criterias of choice
The detail is selected according to the following criteria:
- Diameter of a connecting branch pipe. Must correspond to the cross sections of the intake pipe.
- Type of column casing.If you originally mounted a double - steel plus plastic pipe, the adapter cannot be installed.
- The material of manufacture. It is better to give preference to a steel adapter. Especially if a submersible pump is used.
- Manufacturer. The most demanded in the market are Baker, Vinkell, DebePumpur.
If the downhole pump is below the 70 m mark, it is best not to use the adapter. Even a steel threaded connection will not withstand such a mass.
Mounting Features
To install the downhole adapter, you need to prepare a trench for the pipeline. They dig it below the level of freezing of the soil. The bottom of the canal should be well sealed and a sand cushion poured into it. Then they act in the following sequence:
- Using a hammer drill at a given point in the casing form a technical hole for the adapter output. Do not be afraid of metal chips entering the water. Its amount is insignificant. The edges of the holes are well cleaned.
- The adapter is divided into two parts, all lubricant is removed.
- O-rings are carefully treated with silicone sealant.
- A water intake hose and a submersible pump are connected to the inside of the adapter.
- Using a safety cable, this part of the part together with the pumping equipment is lowered into the casing and brought to the technical hole.
- It remains to dock the inner and outer parts of the part using crimp and o-rings and divert the pipeline from it.
Before backfilling the trench, you need to start the equipment and check the system for leaks. If everything works properly, you can dig in pipes, but without compaction of the soil. They pour it over time as the earth sags.
You can freely buy an adapter on the Russian market. The price of downhole adapters varies from 1750 to 11700 rubles. The cost depends on the material of manufacture, diameter and manufacturer of the part.
Owner reviews
Judging by the reviews of downhole adapters, this device, resembling a dovetail during installation, is in demand.
Anatoly, 42 years old. I installed the adapter a couple of years ago on a metal casing. He made a hole using a special metal crown in 5 minutes. Nearby, he made another technical hole and brought an HDPE pipe under the cable into it. Everything went smoothly. Due to the long threaded part, the adapter does not conflict with the column wall thickness. Everything is working properly for the third year. No problem.
Pavel, 40 years old. I put the adapter on the steel pipe myself. All chips during drilling turned out to be outside. At first he tried to get into the hole with the end of the adapter when the pump was running. It's complicated. As a result, he called his neighbor to catch the end of the adapter and put it into the hole. After all, the weight is considerable for all the equipment. It took about 4 hours. The adapter is working fine. He closed the top of the pipe with a head.
Nikolay, 36 years old. I have an adapter for about a year. True, independent drilling took no more than 3-5 minutes with a 44 mm metal crown. Moreover, the Chinese. The most difficult thing was to lower the pump and bring the inside of the adapter out. On the fifth attempt, he coped with the work. I mounted the intake pipe for about 15 minutes. In principle, nothing complicated. On the caisson, he saved a lot. Moreover, I have a well 5 meters from the house. In the basement I put a hydraulic accumulator.