An autonomous water supply system was built in most country houses where a central network has not been installed. To ensure that for many years an uninterrupted supply of usable water, homeowners decide to drill an artesian well. Its advantages are a large flow rate and a long service life, but powerful submersible pumps are required to raise water from great depths.
Why is it important to correctly determine the depth of the pump lowering into the well
Installing a pump in a well is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main task is to first familiarize yourself with all the requirements for the installation of water equipment.
For the productive and uninterrupted operation of an autonomous water supply system, it is important to choose and install equipment correctly. If we are talking about an artesian well with a water depth of more than 30-40 meters, you will need to purchase an expensive submersible pump. Compared with their counterparts, they have the greatest power and performance.
The technical characteristics of the unit must match the characteristics of the well. Accurate determination of the depth of the pump lowering into the well will save money on the purchase. The more powerful the equipment, the higher its cost. Also, equipment with correctly selected power will serve much longer than that which is idling or overheating due to the inability to provide optimal pressure of the water column.
Depth Methods
Calculate the depth of immersion of the water pump in the well can be practical and mathematical methods. To save money, specialists use the following method:
- A nylon cord or a strong steel cable with a polyethylene braid is tied to the equipment.
- The deepest equipment is lowered to the maximum permissible depth.
- Once the pump has touched the bottom, it is raised approximately 2 meters. This distance will be enough to position the device in the middle of the aquifer.
- The cable is fixed on the surface of the soil. As a rule, they use a log or a lid that will tightly close the well shaft.
- A trial run is being carried out to check the health.
If the quality and purity of water remain consistently clean, the power and performance of the device does not decrease, you can fix the cord and close the shaft.
This method is advisable to use if the depth of the aquifer is not more than 15 meters. If we are talking about wells with a depth of 50-60 and more meters, it is impossible to resort to a mechanical method. Mines with such depth are drilled after calculations and obtaining permission to work, therefore, information on the maximum permissible depth of the pump into the well shaft should already be.
The method of applying the dynamic characteristics of the well

To calculate the optimum immersion depth of the submersible pump, it is recommended to take the dynamic response as the basis. This value reflects the distance between the surface of the water mirror into which the aquifer is lowered and the surface of the soil. The water level is then calculated with the equipment turned on and during the period with the maximum water consumption (as a rule, these are the summer months).
It is easier to calculate the optimal depth, if the technical data sheet of the well indicates the values of the static level and flow rate of the source.
The flow rate of a source is its productivity: how much water it can make up per unit of time. If the capacity of the downhole pump exceeds the production rate of the well, the latter will ultimately simply dry out.
There are many supporters, both the bottom mounting of the deep well pump and its installation in the upper part of the casing. Each of these types has advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before making a decision, you should carefully read them. It is also advisable to take into account standard tips and tricks:
- When purchasing a downhole pump, it is important to analyze and compare the performance of the equipment with the source debit.
- Before proceeding with the installation of the water unit, it is important to familiarize yourself with its technical and operational characteristics.
- It is recommended not to put the equipment at the bottom of the well, as it will quickly become clogged with silt, sand and small algae. It is better to install the device on a special pallet that will protect against clogging of the pipeline and will well affect the quality of well water.
- If the deep pump is required to be installed above the water mirror, it is recommended to additionally equip the well with a “dry run” sensor - a float that will ensure timely switching on and off of the equipment depending on the water level in the well or immediately acquire modifications equipped with special sensors.
A correctly calculated depth of immersion of the pump in the well will favorably affect the quality of water and the operational life of the entire water supply system.
When buying, it is better to refrain from vibration-type models that adversely affect the condition of the casing, and also raise all particulate matter, algae and other debris from the bottom.
The depth of the placement of the electric pump
To calculate the limit of the depth of placement of an electric pump, it is necessary to know and take into account the static and dynamic parameters of the water in the source. The static level is the interval between the aquifer and the surface of the soil in a state of complete rest (for measurements it is recommended not to draw water for at least 6 hours), the value must be indicated in the technical passport for the artesian well.
The dynamic level is calculated with the water pump turned on. The value is equal to the interval between the water mirror and the soil surface. The dynamic level is fixed at the equilibrium point of the pumped out and newly arrived stream.
Submersible (deep) pump should be located below the dynamic value threshold by at least 1 - 3 meters. This is the main condition that must be observed, otherwise flooding of the electric pump may occur, which will cause serious damage.
If the equipment is installed in a well in the sand, make sure that the system is equipped with cleaning filters. Mount the pump at a height of at least 0.5 meters from the bottom. An increased concentration of sand, silt and other solid impurities can clog the details of the electric pump and disable it. With this installation, it is important to regularly maintain the system and carry out preventive cleaning.
It is recommended to purchase equipment for an autonomous water supply system in large specialized stores or from official representatives of manufacturing companies.